The last couple of times in France have changed the way I look at wine. Before I was (more or less) happy to drink any more or less half decent bottle of red.
That’s gone now. France has totally ruined my taste buds…I really can’t tolerate mediocre wine any more.
So, I’ve returned from France determined to enjoy wine more than ever and that means:
- being choosy about what I drink
- being willing to spend more on a bottle
- focusing on wine from the region that we go to every year, the Languedoc in the south west of France
- learning how and why to appreciate good wine
Luckily we have an independent wine seller in Ely, Anglia Wine Merchants, and I’ve started buying my wine from them so I can actually talk to people who know something about wine instead of wandering aimlessly down the booze aisles in the supermarket.
I’m going to write up my thoughts on each bottle I drink and post them here. Betcha can’t wait!
Oh sweet baby jesus no
La vie est trop courte pour boire du mauvais vin!